Captain Fanplastic raises environmental literacy amongst youth globally (currently in 11 countries) through experiential education; that drives behavioural change in order to connect children more to their environment, prevent plastic pollution and inspire climate action #NoTrashButTreasure
Since 2018 we’ve been developing a grassroots movement that contributes to the UN’s SDGs 4, 6, 11, 12, 13 & 14 in their lifetime. Captain Fanplastic has been recognised as one of the UN’s Ocean Decade Actions and the World Economic Forum’s Uplink Top Innovator (Blue Wall Challenge Winner).
Captain Fanplastic has a Big Hairy Audacious Pirate Goal to reach 1 000 000 learners with environmental education by 2030.
Do you want your company to be part of a global CSR program that changes the perception kids have towards plastic? Adopt schools now in South Africa and help to better the environment!
Captain Fanplastic
Education & Sustainability
Research, Strategy & Campaigns